Saturday, January 30, 2010

Re: Your Brains in Sign Language

Click the title for Jonathan Coulton's song about bureaucratic zombies in ZSL (Zombie Sign Language). Turn on the closed captions to see what he's literally signing. (You turn on CC by clicking on the arrow at the lower left of the player, and then picking CC.)

How to spout nonsense and make people mad...

The title of the blog post you get when you click on the title is "This is the title of a typical incendiary blog post."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

[GAME/PUZZLE/ART] Auditorium

I'm not sure if this is a puzzle, a game, a music composition, or visual art. I am sure it's seriously cool.

Friday, August 14, 2009

GAME: Polygonal Fury

Click on a shape and watch it explode, or fire lasers, or shoot off and hit other shapes which explode or fire lasers or shoot off and hit other shapes which ....

Saturday, August 08, 2009


However, if you want a really seriously uber-cool bit of Flash goodness, have a look at this. The spider looks GREAT and moves like a real spider, and you can grab it by the gut and put it where you want and feed it insects and watch as it walks around and make it big and hairy or little and log-legged or whatever.

Friday, May 08, 2009

VIDEO: Cut to commercial

Ever wonder what news anchors do when they go to commercial? Now you know.