Sunday, September 09, 2007

SCOUTING?: Animated knots

I'd write more about this site, but I'm all tied up at the moment.

(OK, I'm sorry. Those responsible for that truly miserable joke have been fired. I'll tie knot to do it again.)

(OK, those responsible for firing those who wrote that miserable joke have been fired.)


SCIENCE: Space Geek Show

Neat internet show by a guy calling himself Doctor-P. Lots of graphics and effects.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Star Wars vs. Star Treck TNG

OK, so these are Dad's cool sites, and Dad thinks this is extremely cool.

Extremely cool.

(Except that the Death Star's primary weapon wouldn't be maneuverable enough to do much damage to... Sorry.)

GAME: Desktop Tower Defense

Very cool strategy game. Read the rules first.

GAME: Flight of the Hamsters

Make your hamster sore like, well, like hamsters were never meant to soar....

(Hint: Read the instructions. Not everything is apparent.)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Complaints Choirs of the World

That's right. Complaints choirs. Choirs where people sing random complaints. You got a problem with that?